Get your own personal recycler for your base for the next 30 days!
Spawn your own personal minicopter,can be called to your location anytime,and respawned if destroyed for the next 30 days!
Allows you to repair your stuff anywhere,anytime,without cost and repair bench for the next 30 days!
Unlock instant crafting!Why wait when you can craft everything instantly for the next 30 days?
Instantly Teleport without limitation,waiting time or cooldown for the next 30 days!
1 mining quarry +1 pumpjack ATTENTION:Those are items for the wipe only,not monthly permissionsBe sure to be online and have 2 empty inventory slots when you purchase
36 slots backpack to store more items for the next 30 days!
48 slots backpack to never run out of room again for the next 30 days!
96 slots backpack to store more items for the next 30 days!